a lost friend

by Merit L.

I flap my wings as I fly through the brisk spring air like the birds fly back from migrating! When all of a sudden BOOM, thunder bursts so loud, seeming to be right next to me. BANG another one! I start to fly down to the ground as fast as I can and I see horse (my best friend, well only friend because everyone thinks I’m just a rip off horse but horse doesn’t so we’re best friends). Anyway, she comes over to me and asks me if I’m okay. I tell her I’m fine and ask her the same thing. She says she’s fine but the sky is dark so we should try to take cover. I agree and we find a little cave. It gives us shelter and is warm. But it was a TERRIBLE decision. We had fallen asleep, and guess what… the cave collapsed. We were both fine because we were far enough away from the entrance where it had collapsed. BUT NOW WE CAN’T GET OUT! We try to push on the rocks but they are WAY too heavy! We called for help but no one could hear us, or so we thought…

After a few seconds of yelling for help to see if anyone was there, we heard someone on the other side. “Hello is anyone there?” they say “YES, WE’RE HERE!” They push the rocks to the side and we climb out to see Piper the minotaur and of course behind her is Ada the pegasus. They are known all over the world as one of the most adventurous and clumsy duos. “Thank you guys so much!” I say as horse agrees. They say they have to go and we all go our separate ways.

The end


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